Thursday, May 20, 2004

random thoughts

bisa ga ya our life be as exciting as those in the tv's comedy serial..(e.g: friends, will&grace, spin city, becker, etc)
Enak jg ya.. kalo tiap hari bisa ketawa.. hehe.. trus temen2 bisa give you a really harsh comment.. yang kalo didenger itu funny cuman "nancep" jg di hati hehehe.. tp no hard feeling.. abis gitu ya bisa stay friends lagi..

Enak jg kali ya???

Asal jgn sampe as complicated as soap opera... kayak days of our lives.. huhhh aneh banget tuhhh.. semua yang di city itu related.. step mother, step father, step sister.. bla bla bla.. gara2 mrk switch partners terus..

Udah gitu yaa... kenapa ya di soap opera amrik pada suka show off a man's body ya? terutama di days of our lives... kayaknya itu para cowok2 kalo dirumah ga suka pake baju.., katanya mau mandi lah, abis olah raga lah, abis betulin sink dapur lah, ada aja alesannya.. I know that all of them have the nicest body.., bicep, tricep, six-pack stomach, the whole nine yards..cuman ya... lama2 ikhhh kok kesannya sengaja gituh...

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