Friday, January 30, 2009

Cita - cita

Pada inget gak waktu kecil dulu kita suka tuker2an "buku kenangan" sama temen2..?
Kita tulis di buku kenangan temen kita biodata, nama, alamat, cita2, kata kenangan, dll..
Terus kita hias2 dan kadang kita tempelin foto?
If you get it then you're totally in "my generation" :) and I guess you're a girl ... (not sure if boys were doing this or not).

G selalu bingung mau tulis apa di kolom cita-cita..
Karena rasanya dari kecil gak punya cita-cita..
Walaupun kata pepatah.. "Gantungkan cita-citamu setinggi bintang di langit",
I just want to be rational...

Some kids already know from early on what they want to be when they grow up.
Well I guess I'm not that type.
I'm the "go with the flow" type..
Or you could say.. I just have no idea what my passion is.. or what I'm good at...

Beberapa pekerjaan yang pernah g list down di "buku kenangan" temen:
1. Doctor - hey I think every kids want to be a doctor, right??
2. Lawyer - this was around the LA Law era.. and some other movie about lawyer that I don't remember the title.. It's the one with a mute lawyer, using sign language..

Back then I knew exactly the right second after I wrote down those jobs that I didn't really mean it..
Those were not what I wanted to be when I grew up...
And it's true! Later as I grew up, I found out that I hated biology and I didn't like to debate (mind you, I'm a phlegmatic person).. so that was the end of it..

So when I have to choose my major in college.. I just choose what I think I'm capable of..
That certainly does not include biology and law (since I don't like memorizing stuff) and physics (since I was sucks).
I chose accounting..
Well.., numbers make sense to me..
Accounting makes sense to me..
It's easier than physics or mathematics..
It does not require memorizing stuff that much..
And everybody says that every companies need an accountant..

So here I am ended up being an ex-auditor - slash - financial consultant.
But still, I haven't found my passion yet..
I don't know if I want to stay in this career path..
Well, I do know that this is not what I want to do for the rest of my life..
I'd like to do something else..
Something that I'm looking forward to when I wake up in the morning..
Something that I can smile about in my dreams..


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I'll be barack

Terminator meets Barack Obama... hehehehe :)
Found this T-shirt at

Akiane: child prodigy

Another gifted child: Akiane...

Please see her website: and you'll be dazzled!

At age 8 she drew this:

Imagine what she can accomplish at 27 years old (i.e. my age =p)
Uh.. I feel so insignificant compared to these children!!

The youngest teacher in the world

It's amazing......

Namanya : Adora Svitak
Umur : 7 tahun
Profesi :Guru Sekolah Dasar
Tarif Mengajar : US$ 300 /pelajaran/50 menit.
Tarif sebagai Pembicara :US$ 10.000 sekali presentasi
Mulai bisa Membaca di usia: 3 Tahun.
Karya : Menulis BUku "Flying Fingers" (berisi koleksi cerita-cerita pendek karya Adora yang juga berisi tips dan panduan bagi mereka yang ingin menjadi penulis)
Hobby : Suka membaca 2-3 buku/hari !!!!
Lebih suka nonton berita daripada nonton Film Kartun.
skills :Bisa mengetik antara 80-112 kata per menit,
Punya situs Pribadi :

Wartawan : "Dora, apa ada yang kmu khawatirkan??"
Adora : "Perekonomian dunia, Juga pemanasan global, kolera di Zimbabwe, penurunan kualitas pendidikan dan kelaparan dunia, Namun umumnya, saya berusaha tidak khawatir karena waktu yang dihabiskan untuk khawatir itu bisa digunakan dengan lebih konstruktif".

sumber :

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Buat blog..

Apa ya guna blog buat B?
B gak bisa nulis hal2 private di blog karena takut kebaca orang...
Tp on the other hand apa gunanya blog kalau ga ada orang yang baca.. hehe...
Some people introduce their blog in facebook, friendster, or by visiting other people's blog..
Tp kok rasanya malu ya kalo nanti blog-nya dibaca orang2 yang kita gak terlalu dekat..
me and my stupid "privacy" things..

Dulu blog ini ada lah yang baca..
Rasanya some people left their comments..
Tp dulu masih pake enetation jadi bukan pake comment feature dr blogspot..
accountnya udah deactivated.. =p
Upload pictures jg pake photobucket..
sekarang blogging is so easyyy...

Well setelah vakum ngeblog for about 4 years..
rasanya blog ini udah ga pernah dikunjungin siapa2 ya.. hehe :)

Monday, January 19, 2009

I'm the kind of person who doesn't like to maintain diaries..

I used to do it back when I was a teenager..

But everytime I read my diaries.. I felt so ashamed on what I've written and ended up torn the diaries into pieces and threw it away in trash can.

I was ashamed with my foolishness, my insecurities, my stupid thought..

But now I reach into the point where I would like to share to someone..

But I don't know if I can or I should..

Damn stupid hormones..

Maybe I should once again keeping diaries...