Thursday, January 11, 2007


A lot of things have happened since I last blog. To make it simple, I summarized the major occasion only:

1. Getting Married..
I finnaly tie the knot with Toma on 16 July 206. I know it seems like a rush decision knowing that I only knew him for a relatively short period of time, but it's been mmmm.. let me count first, 6 months!! and my life has never been happier.
For you who are thinking to get married, please don't hesitate to do so.. but only to the right person.. How can I be sure that he is the right person, you asked.., well I guess you just knew..

2. Resign from PwC and Come back to PwC...
Another sudden decision that I made. I resigned from PwC on mid September 2006 and worked at Optik Melawai for a week only. Then decided to resign from it and apply to another companies until I was accepted back in PwC, not in audit services (thank God), but in transaction services. I guess everything happens for a reason.. and I thank God for it. I used to regret my decision leaving the firm at the first place, but if I didn't I may not have the chance to work in PwC-TS.

You may have few questions about PwC TS, Toma, the reason why I left Optik Melawai, well.. I'll explain more about them later yah..
Now I'm just too hungry I guess.